My Dog and I: Dog Days of Summer…for the dogs!…Part I

Long, hot and humid days can get a little boring, even for our dogs.  So, why not grab “man’s best friend” and plan summer activities you can do and enjoy together.  I think you will love it, and your pup, too.  In fact, it could turn out the best summer you ever had 😉


Bored Dogs


Cool off

Our dogs can’t sweat like humans. Panting is Fido’s only way to really regulate his body temperature and to keep it from overheating.  So, it is always a good idea to check with a vet or groomer to see if a summer haircut is in order[1].


Bully Chillin’Activities

Fill up the kiddie pool. Even if you don’t have a backyard, you can still make sure you are both feeling “chill”.  Everybody has a sidewalk or a driveway, or maybe even a local park[2].  Pop out the pool, fill it about 1/3 with fresh water, and let your canine take a cooling dip while you dangle your feet in the water.  Et voilà, you both feel better right away.

Turn on the sprinklers

If you have a yard, turn on the water and give your entire family a chance to cool off, get some exercise, and develop an even deeper bond with your pup.

Shady places

Drape a tarp over an outside kennel or doghouse so your dog has a place to escape the sun’s glare. You can also freeze a few bottles of water to place in the kennel or nearby as cooling off blocks for play and rest.


Swim together and enjoy practicing your dog paddle with your pal in a dog-friendly pool, safe lake, or at the beach. And, as always, supervise your canine friend closely around any body of water.


Giant Popsicle

Giant Popsicle

Make popsicles

A lot of dogs like frozen treats made with carrots or peanut butter. While I prefer broth[3], you can use either broth or plain water; freeze in ice cube trays or popsicle trays.

Fido friendly eatery

Today many establishments have patios where you and Fido can hang out, and it a fun chance for everyone to make new friends.

Don’t do the ice cream thing!

Our dogs cannot metabolize dairy products in the way their humans do.  Therefore, please don’t feed Fluffy our ice cream. Try a frozen treat made just for dogs or make your own (see above).

Dog & Ice Cream

Dog & Ice Cream

Part II will appear in the next blog issue.

[1] If your dog has a double-coat or undercoat, s/he won’t need a trim; their undercoat is their own personal air conditioner.

[2] Take along a gallon of water, or an empty gallon jug.  Parks have water fountains that you can use to fill up the jug.

[3] I make my own, or I use an organic, low sodium and fat free, free range chicken or vegetable broth.

Images and information curtesy of: PublixPaws; Joanne Osband; Dreamstime;;

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